

Cavapoo | Adult

Ru is a curious, energetic and fun loving cavapoo.

We have had him from a pup and he is now 15 months old.

Before collecting Ru, we spent a lot of time investigating different dog foods. Cavapoo's are known for being fussy eaters and after much research, we decided a raw diet would be the best way forward. However, from a young pup Ru was never particularly motivated by food. Meal times quickly became a battle as we tried everything from enrichment ideas to hand feeding him in a bid to get him to eat. People recommended different brands for us to try but none seemed to interest him.

We were starting to despair but then we discovered LUNA & me and the experience completely changed.

Ru started with the puppy patties and has since progressed to the Adult range. Beefy beef, chick chicken, perky turkey and dandy duck. I can confidently say he loves them all! It’s really hard to work out which is his favourite because he licks his licky mat clean every time!

Ru eagerly anticipates his patties and I’m so happy knowing he has a nutritious and delicious diet. The patties are easy to serve and aren’t messy like some other raw foods we have tried.

He also loves his LUNA & me treats including the coconut crunch, kelp kisses and beef bones. I’m looking forward to trying the Christmas range too this year.

We have now been a LUNA & me customer since September 2023 and Ru continues to relish his meal times.

Thank you LUNA & me for making mealtimes enjoyable for everyone.

Not only is the quality of food excellent, we love your branding and have been very satisfied with the customer service received so far.

Ru loves these LUNA & me products:

  • Adult Beefy Beef Patties
  • Adult Chick, Chick Chicken Patties
  • Adult Dandy Duck Patties
  • Adult Perky Turkey Patties
  • Adult Tender Beef Patties
  • Naturals Bare Bones - Beef
  • SuperBlends Coconut Crunch
  • Everyday Box,Patties
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