

British Shorthair | Kitten

Odie appeared in our lives quite unexpectedly. He was a scruffy little thing at first, all matted fur and wide, curious eyes, but the moment I laid eyes on him, I knew he was something special. My dad found him, of all people. It’s not like my dad to take an interest in stray cats, but Odie must have been the exception.

It all started one Saturday afternoon when my dad was tinkering in his garden, as he often does. I’d been round earlier for tea, but I had no idea what was in store later that day. Apparently, Dad had just finished planting some new bulbs when he spotted something moving in the hedges at the back of the garden. At first, he thought it was just a squirrel, but when he knelt down for a closer look, there was Odie, huddled up and clearly in need of some attention.

Dad's never been one for pets, but Odie had a way of winning people over, even at first glance. He looked up at my dad with those huge, hopeful eyes, and that was it – my dad was hooked. After coaxing him out of the bushes with some leftover chicken, he took Odie inside, gave him some water, and tried to make him comfortable. The cat was skinny, his fur tangled, but there was something gentle and trusting about him.

Later that evening, my phone rang. It was Dad.

“Tiff, I’ve got something you’ll want to see,” he said, his voice filled with excitement.

Intrigued, I asked what it was, but all he would say was, “Just come over. Bring [your partner’s name] too.”

We arrived at Dad’s about an hour later, curious and slightly confused. When we walked into the living room, there was Dad, sitting on the floor, and next to him, curled up on an old blanket, was Odie. The moment we stepped in, Odie lifted his head, blinking lazily, as if to say, “Oh, it’s you lot, is it?”

“He turned up in the garden,” Dad explained, looking proud of himself for rescuing the little furball. “I’ve fed him, but I reckon he needs a proper home.”

I knelt down next to Odie, reaching out cautiously. He sniffed my hand, then nuzzled into it with surprising confidence. He had this odd way of purring – deep and almost like a rumble – and within seconds, I was completely smitten.

“You think he’ll want to come home with us?” I asked, looking over at my partner, who was already kneeling next to me, equally besotted.

“Well, I’ve got no room for a cat,” Dad said with a shrug, “and he seems to like you two. Why not?”

And that was how Odie became ours.

The first few days were a bit of an adjustment. Odie wasn’t entirely sure what to make of his new surroundings. He spent a lot of time exploring the flat, getting used to all the corners and crevices. He had a habit of curling up on the comfiest chair in the living room, as though he’d lived there all his life. We got him checked over at the vet, who confirmed that apart from being a bit underweight, Odie was in good health. It didn’t take long for him to settle in, and within a week, it felt like he’d always been with us.

Odie has this funny way of communicating – he’s not a big meower, but he’ll make these little chirping sounds when he’s happy or wants attention. He also has a tendency to follow us around the flat, as if he doesn’t want to miss out on anything. We quickly learned that Odie loves a good cuddle, especially in the mornings when the sun is just streaming in through the windows.

Now, months later, it’s hard to imagine life without him. He’s grown into a handsome, sleek cat with soft, shiny fur and a knack for finding the sunniest spots to nap in. He’s still got a bit of that stray in him – sometimes we’ll catch him staring out the window like he’s reminiscing about his old adventures – but for the most part, he’s content to be here with us, his new family.

Every now and then, Dad will pop round, and the first thing he always asks is, “How’s Odie doing?” He likes to pretend he’s not bothered, but I know he’s secretly proud of having brought us all together. Odie’s arrival wasn’t something any of us expected, but in the end, it feels like he found us at just the right time.

Odie loves these LUNA & me products:

  • Kitten Box, Patties
  • Kitten Starter Box, Patties
  • RawBlends Feline Good
  • Kitten Power Patties
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